Saturday, June 24, 2006

bash command line keystrokes reference

Good for Unix or Unix-like environment.

Migrate from Word to Writer

If you want to switch to Linux, but have got used to MS Word, this is a handy table mapping the features between the two.

Let me know if you have other tips or tricks using Writer.

Input Chinese in Linux or Mac

Basically if you have a web browser with Internet connected, take advantage of this online ChangJei typing page. No installation ever need.

2006-06-24 GRANT OPENING

Hi All,

1st of all, let me clarify that the title does not suggest that I am a Japanese. It is picked only for fun for I saw many times of these characters in the cartoons.

So, welcome to my blog page, for this is particularly focusing on

  • Machine Perception, Machine Vision, Swarm behaviors
  • Artificial Intellengence, Automations
  • Robotics, Real-time Systems, Remote Sensing
  • Cybernetics, Command+Controlling Systems
  • Embedded Systems, Expert Systems
These topics and their sub-topics interest me. I hope they're interesting to you too.