Sense Hat Cheatsheet (for Raspberry Pi)
from sense_hat import SenseHat
sense = SenseHat()
# 8x8 LED matrix
sense.clear(r, g, b)
sense.show_letter("L", red)
sense.show_message("Hello world") # default scroll_speed = 0.1 sec
sense.show_message("Hello world", 0.3) # 2nd argument scroll_speed; also set rotation to 270 degree
sense.show_message("Keep the arrow pointing up", scroll_speed=0.05, text_colour=[100,100,100])
sense.show_message(message, scroll_speed=0.05)
sense.show_message(message) # optional to set scroll_speed=0.05, text_colour=[r,g,b], back_colour=[r,g,b]
sense.set_pixel(x,y, (r,g,b)) # index 0-7
sense.set_rotation({angle:0|90|180|270}) # for LED matrix
sense.flip_h() # horizontal mirroring
sense.flip_v() # vertical mirroring
# ambient
sense.get_humidity() # percentage, eg. 41.35004..
sense.get_pressure() # millibars, eg. 1013.40380859
sense.get_temperature() # celcius, eg. 33.5409..
sense.get_temperature_from_humidity() # same as get_temperature()
# detect gravity
sense.get_accelerometer_raw() # return dictionary of x, y, z # unit G
# gyroscope
sense.get_orientation() # return dictionary of pitch, roll, yaw
# joystick opt 1) get events
event = sense.stick.get_events()
event.direction # string: {up | down | left | right | middle}
event.action # string: {pressed | released}
# joystick opt 2) register stick callbacks
sense.stick.direction_up = fcn_up
sense.stick.direction_down = fcn_dn
sense.stick.direction_left = fcn_l
sense.stick.direction_right = fcn_r
sense.stick.direction_middle = fcn_m
# colour sensor (version 2 only)
sense.color.gain = 60
sense.color.integration_cycles = 64
c = sense.colour.colour # return tuple of (r,g,b,clear)
from time import sleep
sleep(0.5) # half second
from random import randint
num = randint(0,10) # inclusive [0,10]
from random import choice
card = choice(['A', 'K', 'Q', 'J'])
from random import uniform
fnum = uniform(0,10) # exclusive [0.0, 10.0)
# built-in
f = round(f, 1)
s = str(5)
n = int('8')
Labels: python, Raspberry Pi