My Pi 3 Install Log (1): Raspbian Jessie (Lite)
Big advanced from first 2 gen, Pi 3 got a Quad core 64bit Broadcom processor A53 using ARM v8a instruction set, with 1GB RAM supposed to be processing power.
Still, I want it for an embedded project, so instead of the complete Raspbian, I downloaded the lite version: zip file size ~300MB expanded to 1.3GB.
"...the lite distribution is just a Minimal image based on Debian Jessie without the X-server and its components installed. "
"... similar to arch linux.."
"Size-wise lite is 1GB smaller (300MB vs 1.32GB)"installing Raspbian Jessie (2.5 hours)
using dd command to write to a 16GB sd card
(Note rdisk2 not disk2. disk2 when plugged into a mac)
someone said make sure it's formatted as MSDOS. not sure why.
# first time boot-up
resize partition to maximum (df shows 15304884 blocks @1k; 839M/15G used)
# Login
default account:
username: pi
password: raspberry
# update
sudo apt-get update
(now 882M used)
# change locale and timezone - default en_GB, @ and " swapped
sudo raspi-config
# selected en_CA.UTF8
# wifi country to canada
# keyboard layout 105 keys, en US
Labels: Jessie, Raspberry Pi, Raspbian
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